Healthy Summer Fun

Summers are always a challenge for most in terms of staying on track with eating, drinking, exercising and sleeping habits.  We go to barbecues, cottages, and parties, all with what seems like an unlimited amount of food and drinks for all.  I also find it a challenge to maintain my sleeping patterns from the week and transfer them over when we are having our weekend fun.  This weekend was one of the busiest at our family cottage. We had just over 30 people there and trust me; there is NEVER a shortage of food to go around.  

Upon starting the week again, you most likely think, “Man I had a great time but we ate WAY too much!” These fun summer activities should be just that, fun! In order to help you stay more on track with your health, fitness, and nutrition goals, here are a few tips I have come up with.  Now that the weather is finally (thank goodness) getting warmer and July is here, the summer get-togethers will only begin to happen even more often.

  1. Accept the fact that the days at the cottage or at a barbecue will not follow your typical eating preferences perfectly.  The 80/20 rule or some sort of similar belief is okay; we are allowed to have some treats in moderation! Do what you can to make smarter choices but don’t forget to enjoy it.
  2. Bring your workout clothes.  If you bring your shorts and pair of shoes, you are one step closer to maybe doing a workout or going for a run.  If it isn’t there at all, out of sight, out of mind, right?  Encourage whoever you are with to bring their stuff to exercise too.  You can plan to go for a walk on a trail or go for a run along the beach together.
  3. Bring food you will eat.  If you are pickier, have dietary restrictions, or just want to ensure a healthy option at dinner time, offer to bring something.  I did just that this weekend.  I had attended cooking classes at Marni Wasserman’s Food Studio and made some recipes from Joyous Health and Oh She Glows for myself, so I figured why not make these delicious foods for everyone else to try.  They were all a big hit and they helped to offset some of the yummy, but maybe not so nutritious snacks and other foods we were indulging in.
  4. Manage your plate and watch your portion sizes.  Take small servings at first to avoid overeating.  Sometimes we get so excited on how great something looks that we take a little too much and are left feeling stuffed afterwards.  Don’t forget about dessert either.  If you know there is something you might like for a sweeter treat, save some extra room!
  5. Drink lots of water.  In the summer, especially in social settings you don’t always realize how much you are consuming whether it is juice, pop, or alcoholic beverages.  Make sure to have water throughout the day to stay hydrated in the sun.

Keep these tips in mind, but make sure to have fun! Enjoy the company of your family and friends and have a good time.  I, myself, had a great time this weekend, eating everything and enjoying spending time with my family.  I still ate well and exercised too.  Don’t get too hung up on these few days where you may not follow your healthy lifestyle to a T because spending quality time with the ones you love trumps all.

Be fierce. Be strong. Be vibrant.


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