Welcome to 2018!

Happy New Year! I hope that throughout the holidays you were able to spend time with family and friends and enjoy doing things for yourself. I was able to take a week and a half off myself and really bask in this free time by catching up on sleep, eating LOTS of really good food, reading 2 books and spending time with those that matter most to me.

As I reflect on my past year and look ahead to 2018, I can’t help but be proud of who I have become and what I am working towards. I am truly thankful for everyone who has supported my vision of Discover You, creating a community for women to be fearless, powerful, empowered, and confident in their every day lives. It has been a challenge filled with ups and downs as I am on my own path of self discovery to truly determine how I can best share my passion with the rest of the world. We have our first event of 2018 on January 22nd - a panel discussion on transitions. Whether it is may be a change in career, city, or relationship, this is your panel!

Now that we are a week into 2018, I am sure many of you have set goals for yourself. This is not only common because it is the start of the year but also because most of us have been indulging throughout the holiday season. It makes total sense to want to set goals and get back on track and into a routine. To be honest with you, I have stopped setting new year’s resolutions for myself. Funny that this is the first time I have mentioned the word resolution in my first post of the new year. Aren’t all posts the first week in January supposed to convince you to set resolutions?

I have decided to take a different approach to not only this new month and new year but to my life in general. Instead of accomplishing things and creating tasks to complete, I want to try to focus on the person I am being and giving off to the world. Given that social media is more so about the WHAT, I want to focus more on the WHY. My WHY.  When I train a client, run a workshop, or teach a class, what is the energy that I am sharing with the other people in the room? I try to be as relatable, personable, compassionate, enthusiastic, knowledgable, energetic, fun, and most importantly authentic in everything I do. I truly believe that the WHAT will come when we can identify our WHY and purpose.

Authenticity is something that I have struggled with these past few months. It is why I haven’t felt the need to share and post on social media too. I haven’t struggled in terms of what I share and post because I am always true to myself. I however, have found it difficult for me to post enough to keep people engaged in my community and still seem authentic to me and to the frequency I want to share. Part consistency and part authenticity is the key to success in the online world and I hope to find the balance in between that works for me.

For 2018, I want to do more of what makes me excited and feel good, less of what I feel obligated to do or try or eat or workout because Instagram told me too. If it feeds into my why then of course I will give those things a try. I want to judge less and develop more understanding for others. We are all on our own path to discovering what truly fulfills us and that should be respected. 

We have another bright year ahead of us and there are multiple opportunities in thousands of directions for us to choose. I hope 2018 brings you all that you wish it to and more. Find your purpose. Find your why. Share it with the world. Happy 2018!

Be fierce.  Be strong.  Be vibrant.


Check out Rachel's page on Facebook or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
Feel free to comment below with topics you would be interested in reading about in the future.


