Our interpretation is everything

Interpretation is everything. A situation is never stressful, hurtful, positive, or negative until we interpret it in that way. I remember sitting in my Stress and Coping course in university and hearing this statement by Hans Selye for the first time and it all coming together. “It’s not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” So true!

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Self CareRachel Fackoury
Pivot or Push Forward

Although I have been working for about seven years in the fitness industry, I have only officially been running my own business for roughly one year. It is by no means my full time income as I am contracted at the studios I currently teach at but I am trying to best see how I fit into the Toronto fitness scene. Over the past few weeks I have felt really discouraged about where I see myself. It isn’t so much of me comparing myself to others as it is thinking of where I envisioned myself being and having a harder time achieving it than I anticipated.

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