Posts in Health and Wellness
You can love your body and still want to change it.

You can love your body and still want to change it. Scroll through your Instagram newsfeed right now. How many captions are telling you to shrink and lose weight, get toned and build muscle, or on a totally other end of things, accept your flaws and your body how it is? We are constantly being told we aren’t enough and to either love your body as it is and accept that or be so extremely unhappy that a change must happen to achieve happiness.

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Are you living in a growth or fixed mindset?

I recently finished reading the book, Mindset, by Carol Dweck. The only books I read these days involve fitness, business, and personal development. I can’t get my hands on enough non-fiction books that I can apply to my every day work and/or personal life. I had a feeling going into this read that it would be a tough one for me personally because it was going to test me and my sometimes stubborn ways. It did not disappoint!

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